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Declaring Logic

Analogous to logic declarations, Developers declare filters for users' roles (role-based access control). A user can have multiple roles; a users' filters are anded together.

Roles are typically defined elsewhere (LDAP, AD, external SQL database), and accessed at runtime via the Authentication-Provider. Roles simplify administration, since there are typically many fewer roles that users, and they are less subject to change. You may elect to define the roles in your code for code completion, as shown below.



This is illustrated in the sample application security/

from security.system.security_manager import Grant, Security
from database import models
import safrs

db = safrs.DB
session = db.session

class Roles():
    """ Define Roles here, so can use code completion (Roles.tenant) """
    tenant = "tenant"
    renter = "renter"

Grant(  on_entity = models.Category,    # multi-tenant example
        to_role = Roles.tenant,
        filter = models.Category.Client_id == Security.current_user().client_id)  # User table attributes

Grant(  on_entity = models.Category,
        to_role = Roles.renter,
        filter = models.Category.Id == 2)

You can test it via the Admin App, or via cURL.


Admin App

Click Cateogory in the Admin App:



As shown in the first diagram above, you can also test with this cURL command:

curl -X 'GET' \
'http://localhost:5656/api/Category/?fields%5BCategory%5D=Id%2CCategoryName%2CDescription&page%5Boffset%5D=0&page%5Blimit%5D=10&sort=id' -H 'accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json'