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Virtual Environment

This section applies only to pip installs. Docker based installs eliminate such environment issues, and are therefore recommended.

Important: in addition to Python environment, there are other configuration settings to consider as described in the Quick Start.

Per-project venv

You created a virtual environment when you installed ApiLogicServer. This venv will work for all of your created ApiLogicServer projects, or you can use a per-project venv, as follows.

The created project contains a requirements.txt used to create a virtual environment. You can create it in the usual manner:

cd ApiLogicProject
python3 -m venv venv       # may require python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate   # windows venv\Scripts\activate
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Shared venv

If you wish to share a venv over multiple projects, use Settings > Python: Venv Path, and specify a directory containing venv directories (e.g, where you installed API Logic Server).


venv_setup - shortcut setup procedures

Ss of release 5.02.10, projects are created with a venv_setup directory which may be helpful in establishing and verifying your Python environment. For more information, see the Trouble Shooting Guide.



Issues with pip

The install sometimes fails due on machines with an older version of pip. If you see a message suggesting you upgrade pip , do so.

VSCode may fail to find your venv

If VSCode does not find your venv, you can specify it manually using Python: Select Interpreter

For more information, see Work with Environments.